Dr. Milivoj Belić
Professor Dr. Milivoj Belić is a Serbian scientist who dedicated his life to discovering and teaching physics.His research is focused on nonlinear and quantum optics, nonlinear photonics, mathematical physics, solid state physics etc. During his career he collaborated with many prestigious institutions and had lived on three different continents.Prof. Belić is author of six books and more than 500 papers. His major professional contributions include: development of the original split-step beam propagation method, discovery of the nonlinear Talbot effect in rogue waves, demonstration of chaos and optical turbulence in phase conjugate resonators,analytical wave and solitary solutions to the generalized nonlinear Ginzburg-Landau equation and many more. Prof. Belić’s work received wide recognition across the world.
Professor Dr. Milivoj Belić is currently Al Sraiya Holding Professor at the Texas A&M University at Qatar. He was born in Yugoslavia, where he finished the School of Mathematics in 1970, obtained BS in physics from the University of Belgrade in 1974, and got PhD in physics from The City College of New York.
His research interests include, but are not limited to: linear, nonlinear and quantum optics (generation of rogue waves, self-accelerating beams, spatial solitons, light bullets), nonlinear photonics (surface waves, Anderson localization), mathematical physics (exact solutions of different evolution PDEs), semiconductor physics (lasers, waveguides, photonic crystals. optoelectronics, quantum dots), nonlinear dynamics (instabilities and chaos, transverse patterns, defects), solid state physics (photorefractive materials), and computational physics (fluid dynamics, numerical chaos, GPU computing).
Up to this date he was working and collaborating with many prestigious research institutions and universities and had lived for extended periods in the USA, Germany, and Qatar. Some of the collaborating institutions include: Institute of Physics in Belgrade, Texas A&M University in College Station, Institute of Applied Physics in Darmstadt, Clarkson University in Potsdam, University of Arizona in Tucson, Institute of Quantum Electronics in Zurich, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in Spain, Universite Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium, etc.
Prof. Belić is author of six books and more than 500 papers; details can be found in his Google Scholar account. Some of his major professional accomplishments are: development of the original split-step beam propagation method, exact analytical solutions to various mixing arrangements in photorefractive media, demonstration of chaos and optical turbulence in phase conjugate resonators, introduction of dynamical counterpropagating vector solitons and waveguides in saturable media, demonstration of angular momentum transfer and non-conservation of angular momentum in photonic lattices, analytical wave and solitary solutions to the generalized nonlinear Schrodinger, Gross-Pitaevskii and Ginzburg-Landau equations, discovery of the nonlinear Talbot effect in rogue waves etc.
His work received wide recognition across Europe, USA, and Qatar. His research team received twice the Research Team Award by the Qatar National Research Fund. Among Prof. Belić’s awards are the Grand Award for Scientific Work from the Institute of Physics Belgrade, Faculty Research Excellence Awards from Texas A&M University at Qatar, Galileo Galilei Medal, awarded by the International Commission for Optics, etc. He is also awarded an Honorary Professorship at the Shunde Polytechnic in Guangdong, China.
In the last decade alone, Prof. Belić received more than $7M in funding for his research projects; some of those, funded by Qatar National Research Fund, are listed here:
“Light bullets, fractional vortices, nonlocal solitons and surface waves for all-optical information transmission in photonic crystals, optical lattices, dispersion-managed systems, and distributed fibers,”
“Advanced Higher Order Symplectic Algorithms for the Time-Marching of Numerical Schemes in Computational Physics and Applied Mathematics,”
“Self-organized solitonic structures propagating in semiconductor quantum wells, nanocomposites, polymers, photonic crystals, metamaterials and nanoplasmonics for applications in information technology,”
“Nonlinear photonics for all-optical information technologies,” etc.
Details of his work can be found in his resume.
For any additional information about Prof. Belic’s work and research please contact him using provided email address. You can find him personally at Texas A&M University at Qatar.